2022 Annual Meeting Friends of the Koponen Homestead
The board of the non-profit Friends of the Koponen Homestead held their annual meeting March 12, 2022.
It has been a challenging year with snow, but the trails are doing amazingly well. One issue is the parking overload on Katya with the road being narrower and especially when Katya needs to get plowed. Another is that some trail users have been parking in front of the wooden gate of the resident who lives at the end. They use that gate regularly, so please be aware.
There is a trail access, Niilo’s Way, at the middle turnaround on Haman St. that can handle additional parking, so that is recommended if the Katya entrance has too many cars to allow for turnaround. At the Haman parking area, please park straight in to allow for additional vehicles and be careful not to block the Lot 20 driveway.
If you have any suggestions for trail use or maintenance, feel free to email us at fotkh (at) koponenhomestead.com
We offer thanks to the 10 individuals who have donated to the maintenance of the trail system. If you would like to donate, you can do so at:
Friends of the Koponen Homestead
1083 Esro Road
Fairbanks, AK 99712
Your contribution is eligible as a tax-deductible charity recognized by IRS. Thank you in advance.