Volunteer and Contributor Thanks
Thanks to neighbor and trail user Marjorie Casort, who contributed a check to help defray the admittedly large property tax bill for the trail network area and for continuing trail maintenance. Others who might wish to similarly donate, checks will be gladly accepted made out to the non-profit “Friends of Koponen Homestead”, 1083 Esro Rd. Fairbanks, AK 99712. Questions, call 488-2001.
Also, belatedly, an appreciative thanks to the volunteers who helped finish the new trail system in 2016 from the Friends of Koponen Homestead (in no particular order).
1. Carol Scott
2. Sarah Parsons
3. Chena Newman
4. Karjala. Koponen
5. Mitchell Johnson
6. Gary Newman
7. Walt Tape
8. Dana Truffer-Moudra
9. Alan Oelkers
10. Geoff Orth
11. Eric Troyer
12. Nathan Vonnahme
13. Beren V
14. Lily V
15. Cirdan V
16. Cindy Stragier
17. Carl Heidel
18. Cindy Wind
19. Steve Claudice
20. Eyal Saiet
21. Seth Adams
22. Karin Clautice
23. Nick Crawford
24. Richard Stolzberg
25. Jimmy Fox
26. Logan Fox
27. Leland Long
28. Leah Happes & Ryan
29. Tony P
30. Ken & Pam Karle
31. Ben Barton
32. Mark Harriger